# .neomuttrc set config_charset = "utf-8" set send_charset = "utf-8" set charset = "utf-8" set assumed_charset = "utf-8" set attach_charset = "utf-8" set rfc2047_parameters = yes set header_cache = ~/.neomutt/cache/headers set certificate_file = ~/.neomutt/certificates set message_cachedir = ~/.neomutt/cache/bodies set alias_file = ~/.neomutt/aliases set mailcap_path = ~/.neomutt/mailcap set tmpdir = ~/tmp # mail settings set mail_check = 30 set timeout = 600 # time to wait until abort waiting for input. set mail_check_stats # periodically calculate message statistics set xterm_set_titles = yes set sleep_time = 0 # Don't pause # mailcap auto_view text/html #alternative_order text/plain text/html # Sidebar set sidebar_visible = yes set sidebar_short_path # Shorten mailbox names set sidebar_delim_chars = "/." # Delete everything up to the last / character set sidebar_folder_indent = yes # Indent folders whose names we've shortened set sidebar_indent_string = "▸" set sidebar_format = "%B%?F? [%F]?%* %?N?%N/?%S" set sidebar_width = 30 set sidebar_sort_method = "unsorted" set sidebar_divider_char ="│" # Folder hooks folder-hook . `rm -f /.neomutt/tmp/*` # empty tmp folder folder-hook "~/.mail/philip/*" "source ~/.neomutt/accounts/philip.rc" folder-hook "~/.mail/team/*" "source ~/.neomutt/accounts/team.rc" # Printing set print = ask-no set print_command = "~/.neomutt/bin/print_unicode.sh" # index display set sort = threads set sort_aux = last-date-received set delete = yes # just delete don't ask # pager display set pager = "builtin" set smart_wrap = yes # lines wrapped at word boundary at screen edge. set markers = no # don't add "+" at wrapped lines set pager_stop = yes # don't continue to next message set display_filter = "~/.neomutt/bin/display_filter.sh" # message display ignore * unhdr_order * unignore Date: From: To: Cc: Bcc: X-Mailer: User-Agent: X-Spam-Tag: Subject: hdr_order Date: From: To: Cc: Bcc: X-Mailer: User-Agent: X-Spam-Tag: Subject: set quote_regex = "^([ \t]*[|>:}#])+" set smileys = "(>From )|(:[-^]?[][)(><}{|/DP])" # catch some common false positives of $quote_regex set pipe_decode = "yes" # weed headers and attempt to decode the messages first. # attachments attachments +A */.* # Give all MIME parts an "attachment" disposition set attach_save_dir = "~/Documents" set attach_save_without_prompting set abort_noattach = ask-yes # French & English regex set abort_noattach_regex = "\\<(attach|attached|attaché|attachés|attache|attachons|joint|jointe|joints|jointes|joins|joignons)\\>" # editor set text_flowed = yes # don't cut lines #set editor = "~/.neomutt/bin/mutt-trim %s; joe -nobackups %s" #set editor = "~/.neomutt/bin/mutt-trim %s; joe %s" set editor = "~/.neomutt/bin/mutt-trim %s; micro %s" # Replies set attribution = "* %n <%a> [%(%y%m%d %H:%M)]:" set fast_reply # do not ask for to, subject,... when replying. set include = yes # include message # Forwards set forward_format = "[Tr: %s]" set forward_quote # Abook set query_command = "abook --mutt-query '%s'" macro index,pager a "abook --add-email-quiet" "Add this sender to Abook" macro generic,index,pager \ca "abook" "launch abook" # Header Compression set header_cache_compress_method = "zlib" set header_cache_compress_level = 1 # PGP commands set pgp_decode_command = "gpg2 %?p?--passphrase- 0? --no-verbose --batch --output - %f" set pgp_verify_command = "gpg2 --no-verbose --batch --output - --verify %s %f" set pgp_decrypt_command = "gpg2 --passphrase- 0 --no-verbose --batch --output - %f" set pgp_sign_command = "gpg2 --no-verbose --batch --output - --passphrase- 0 --armor --detach-sign --textmode %?a?-u %a? %f" set pgp_clearsign_command = "gpg2 --no-verbose --batch --output - --passphrase- 0 --armor --textmode --clearsign %?a?-u %a? %f" set pgp_encrypt_only_command = "/usr/lib/neomutt/pgpewrap gpg2 --batch --quiet --no-verbose --output - --encrypt --textmode --armor --always-trust --encrypt-to $pgp_sign_as -- -r %r -- %f" set pgp_encrypt_sign_command = "/usr/lib/neomutt/pgpewrap gpg2 --passphrase- 0 --batch --quiet --no-verbose --textmode --output - --encrypt --sign %?a?-u %a? --armor --always-trust --encrypt-to $pgp_sign_as -- -r %r -- %f" set pgp_import_command = "gpg2 --no-verbose --import %f" set pgp_export_command = "gpg2 --no-verbose --export --armor %r" set pgp_verify_key_command = "gpg2 --no-verbose --batch --fingerprint --check-sigs %r" set pgp_list_pubring_command = "gpg2 --no-verbose --batch --with-colons --list-keys %r" set pgp_list_secring_command = "gpg2 --no-verbose --batch --with-colons --list-secret-keys %r" # other settings #unset quit # macro index,pager ",m" ":unset wait_key\n |/path/to/add_to_calcurse.sh" # set pager_index_lines = 6 # number of lines of a mini-index when in pager # add my_hdr $mutt_version - $os_version my_hdr User-Agent: `neomutt -v | head -1` - `uname -r` Linux # file browser set folder_format = "%2C %t %N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %D %i" set sort_browser=reverse-date #### Key bindings bind index,pager sidebar-prev # Previous Mailbox bind index,pager sidebar-next # Next Mailbox bind index,pager * sidebar-open # Open Highlighted Mailbox bind pager next-line # pager down one line bind pager previous-line # pager up one line bind editor complete-query # Abook completion #### Macros macro index,pager "source ~/.neomutt/accounts/philip.rc!" macro index,pager "source ~/.neomutt/accounts/team.rc!" macro index,pager "toggle sidebar_visible " macro pager "~/.neomutt/bin/translate.sh" macro index,pager \cb "urlscan -d" "call urlscan to extract URLs out of a message" macro attach,compose \cb "urlscan -d" "call urlscan to extract URLs out of a message" macro index,browser,pager \cr "source ~/.neomuttrc" macro index,pager J "=Junk" "Move to Junk" macro attach 'V' "iconv -c --to-code=UTF8 > ~/.neomutt/tmp/mail.htmlfirefox ~/.neomutt/tmp/mail.html" #### more config files source ~/.neomutt/accounts/philip.rc # default account source ~/.neomutt/themes/powerline.rc # powerline with nerd fonts source ~/.neomutt/themes/venelles.rc # my color theme